
Your Combat Slows Down at Character Creation

Your Combat Slows Down at Character Creation

It’s a turbulent time in the D&D sphere! We’ve gotten through nearly 10 years of fifth edition and in that time there have been seismic shifts in the roleplaying game community: fads and crises and critical darlings have risen and fallen in that time. I’m still processing just how much fifth edition D&D (and its culture of play) have changed since 2014.

Character: Thessia Onforoth

I’ve been looking for my father. He was a stranger. A colonist, they tell me, but I can’t be even sure of that. A warrior, tall and quiet. Always moving, searching. They say my father was a tortured man, lucky only in battle. Unlucky in love. Unlucky in birthright. Unlucky in having had a daughter like me.